The Other Side
November 7, 2017An Angel Friend
November 14, 2017Taking a break from the caravan journey. Other responsibilities have crowded into my life. Parking the van, driving back to the coast has allowed me time to ponder on my ‘road’ adventure. All in all feeling quite content and recognise that I appreciate the concept of viewing our land while on wheels. Will return with further travel words but for now I want to continue my blog with whatever moves me.
The English dictionary describes the word ‘TRIBE’ as follows: “Set of people that can be lumped together”.
I prefer the concept that a Tribe is a Set of people who share a powerful common interest that stirs passion in oneself – be it aviation, academia, caravanning, sport, politics, book lovers maybe lawn bowls. Tried that but not for me.
Of course we have our families, our dearest friends formed over a lifetime but who of us belong to a specific tribe. Who has felt that magnificence when interacting with a fellow tribe member? That one or many folk who accept you because you share the same challenges, sit in similar emotional spaces, all when involved in the same activity.
I hear from others who travel with caravans of their passion, of meeting like-minded folk along the way, that such adventurers understand this earthbound experience, so it would not be a long stretch to acknowledge that we have the caravanning tribe. They even have a name – Grey Nomads.
I acknowledge that I have yet to experience meeting like-minded folk at the caravan stopovers to date. “Most people left yesterday’ was the usual camp manager’s comment in reply to my ‘where is everybody?’ Still I endeavor to remain positive, that such encounters shall happen.
The balloonist tribe – definitely feel part of that clump of people, my fellow balloonists who desire the freedom of flight, chase challenges that present when we step into the at times unknown – especially where the final landing place for our balloon will be.
What of the tribe members of Spirit – those out there who cross our paths sometimes ever so briefly but end up having a profound effect on our lives. Almost like angels in an earthly body. Here today with even a small amount of wisdom or advice, very often moved on never to be seen again.
‘Widen your horizons’ says my weekly horoscope. I hope that is what I am attempting to achieve.
If only the truth were known.
Members of the Snorkel Tribe
What will tomorrow bring?