Change of Date for Brisbane Author Talk & Book Signing
May 16, 20221760km Drive To Give a One Hour Author Talk
July 20, 2022Seated at an aviation formal dinner in Sydney I had not registered that the comments being made by the MC were relating to me.
‘After 47 years of active aviation Ruth Wilson is presented with the prestigious Swiss Federation Aéronautique Internationale Paul Tissandier Diploma for serving the cause of Aviation in general and Sporting Aviation in particular, by her work, initiative, devotion and in other ways.’
I stood walk to the stage and took hold of the award trophy presented to me by Ms Pip Spence CEO/Director, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). The date – February 23, 2022.
Later one of the attendees came over to me and said ‘I listened to every word spoken of your achievements Ruth. How come few people here have heard of you?’
“I suppose I have been so busy DOING over the years that I made no time to tell others about it”.
Now I have time — and I am loving sharing some of my life’s journey with others. My memoir CONQUERING CLOUDS is a must read
say reviewers.
Available through my web site
What’s coming next?